Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal – Best IVF specialist in Delhi

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Treatment in Delhi

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a medical procedure to evaluate the endometrial cavity and gives a clear view of the uterus inside. This is a minimally invasive procedure performed to diagnose problems of the uterus like polyps and fibroids of the uterus, abnormal menstrual bleeding, adhesions, and endometrial cancer.

The technique uses a hysteroscope, a thin, light telescope device. It is inserted through the female vagina into the uterus via the cervix and helps create an image of the uterine cavity in a screen. Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal performs the best diagnostic hysteroscopy procedure. Before the procedure, the cervix is dilated for easier viewing, and then the hysteroscope is inserted through the vagina into the uterus through the cervix, and saline fluid is pumped through the hysteroscope that helps expand the uterus. The uterus lining is viewed through a hysteroscope, and a small instrument is also passed for a biopsy, or another procedure is required. The procedure helps look inside the uterine cavity, and if any problem is detected, the operative hysteroscopy can often be performed to correct it at the same time.

Polyp Removal Treatment in Delhi

Hysteroscopic Polypectomy is a procedure performed to remove uterine polyps and helps in preserving the uterus. The polyps are the non-cancerous and soft fleshy outgrowth growth present in the inner lining of the uterus.

Females who have uterine polyps may suffer from symptoms like irregular menstrual bleeding; suffer from bleeding during menstrual periods, abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and excessively heavy menstrual periods.

Septum Removal Treatment in Delhi

Septate uterus is a medical term used for a malformed uterus. In such a case, the outside of the uterus does not have any type of deformity, but the uterus is divided into two parts. The divided uterus does not cause any difficulty in becoming pregnant, and the septate uterus causes poor growth of the baby and lead to miscarriage. The removal of the septate uterus helps females to overcome miscarriage and achieve a healthy pregnancy.

If one is continuously experiencing miscarriage, then the surgeon examines the pelvic region of females to find out the reason for continued miscarriage, and a Hysterosalpingogram is used to diagnose the root cause. If the cause is septum, then a hysteroscopy can help to detect and cure the condition.

Fibroid Removal Treatment

A hysteroscopic myomectomy is a popularly performed medical procedure that removes submucous fibroids found in the uterine cavity. In this procedure, the fibroids are removed using an instrument called a resectoscope, which is inserted into the female uterine cavity through the female vagina and passes through the cervix. The resection technique uses an electrosurgical loop that is made up of wire that helps to remove fibroids surgically.

The symptoms of having uterine fibroids are heavy menstrual bleeding, painful sex, pressure and pain in the pelvic area, and infertility.

Removing fibroids helps with these symptoms, improves one’s health, and increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Endometrial Biopsy Treatment in Delhi

Endometrial Biopsy is a technique that helps doctors to check the problems related to the uterus. The uterus is a pear-shaped organ that helps women to support baby growth during the phase of pregnancy. One can undergo this test if one suffers from the symptoms like painful periods, heavy periods, irregular periods, no periods, and often face bleeding after menopause.

Hysteroscopy is a better technique for biopsy as the sample is taken by direct visualization of the uterine cavity and the endometrial lining. If a submucous fibroid or a polyp is diagnosed, it can be treated in the same sitting.

Retrieval of dislodged IUD / Foreign Bodies Treatment in Delhi

IUD removal may be challenging. Intrauterine devices (IUD) are used for birth control, and many people remove them for one or another reason. IUD is a small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the female uterus that helps prevent pregnancy, and it can be made up of copper, or it can be hormonal. IUD is a reversible birth control method, and many people remove their IUD because of the following reasons-

  • Trying to get pregnant.
  • IUD maximum lifespan is over.
  • Experiencing prolonged discomfort or undesirable side effects.
  • No longer need this method for birth control.

The hysteroscopic extraction is the safest and most effective method of retrieval of IUDs. Removing an IUD is a simple process, and in this process, the doctor grasps the IUD thread with ring forces, and it will collapse forward and will slide out. In case the IUD does not come out with a slide pull, in such a case, a hysteroscopy is performed to remove the IUD attached to the uterine wall.

Synechiae /Intrauterine adhesions Removal Treatment in Delhi

Asherman’s Syndrome or Intrauterine adhesion is a condition in which the scar tissues build up in the uterus inner walls and cause them to bind together. The scar tissue is caused due to trauma caused to the uterine cavity, like after pregnancy termination, miscarriage, uterine bleeding after childbirth, and after dilation and curettage. Damage can also occur due to surgeries like polyps or fibroids or endometriosis correction.

The females with adhesions sometimes may not experience any symptoms but can experience infrequent menstruation cycles, recurrent miscarriages, and inability to get pregnant.

Intrauterine adhesions can be treated with hysteroscopic resection that is followed by mechanical or hormonal treatments. Intrauterine adhesions are bands of fibrous scar tissue formed within the uterus. 

Transabdominal ultrasonography is also performed in combination with hysteroscopy and helps the doctor avoid the uterus’ perforation. After the treatment, the doctor provides high doses of estrogen to allow the (endometrium) to regenerate and cover the scar tissue. For females with extensive endometrial damage, they sometimes do not respond to hysteroscopy treatment, and then a gestational carrier is the best option to achieve pregnancy.

Cannulation of tubes Treatment in Delhi

The fallopian tube carries the egg to the uterus from the ovary. An ectopic pregnancy, surgery, or biological abnormality can cause the loss of 1 tube, and females have 2 uterine tubes in their bodies. Various factors can cause infertility, and blockage of the fallopian tubes is one of the most common reasons. Blockage in the fallopian tubes can prevent the eggs from travelling from ovaries to the uterus. This blockage can be from birth or sometimes due to some medical condition.

Common conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes like fibroids in the uterine lining, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Tubal Ligation Removal, Caesarean section, and Endometriosis.

Type of tubal occlusion

  • Proximal – This can occur as a result of infection or complication of missed miscarriage, cesarean section.
  • Distal – This blockage takes place at the end part of the fallopian tube towards the ovary. A blockage is caused by STD infection.
  • Midsegment – This is caused because of damage to the tubal ligation.

Tubal cannulation is a method that helps to clear the blockage in the fallopian tube in females. This blockage is the main cause of infertility in females as the tubes are more vulnerable to surgical damage and infection. In about 20-30 %, the cause of infertility is a blockage to the fallopian tube in females.

Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation is one of the most popular methods that treat proximal tubal obstruction. The blockage is mostly caused by the debris or mucus plugs that plug the lining of the uterotubal junction. In this treatment, a fine guidewire is passed through the hysteroscope into the uterus, and this helps remove the debris and open the fallopian tubes. After the treatment, the patient may feel cramping and vaginal staining for a few days. The patient can resume normal daily activities within 2-3 days after the procedure.

Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal is highlighted for her expertise in performing diagnostic hysteroscopy and related procedures.

These procedures are essential for diagnosing and treating various uterine conditions that can impact fertility, menstrual health, and overall well-being.

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    Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal is a renowned specialist in IVF & Infertility, Laparoscopic & Robotic Gynae Surgery, based in Delhi & NCR.

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